You Need To Watch These Movies Twice If You Want To Fully Understand Them


There are good movies, there are great movies, and then there are movies that you have to watch twice in order to fully understand them. It is not easy to grasp everything when you watch these movies for the first time. So, without further ado let’s find out more about those movies, that in order to fully understand them you need to watch them at least twice.

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Here Are The Movies That You Need To Watch Twice To Fully Understand Them


1. Memento

Movies that are hard to fully understand


This Christopher Nolan neo-noir thriller has an ending that will definitely make you feel the need to re-watch it from the very beginning.


2. Mudholland Drive

Movies that are hard to fully understandVia

An amazing masterpiece that even confused the critics. To be honest, you may need to watch this one more than twice to fully understand what exactly is going on between the two ladies.


3. Lost Highway

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The abrupt transformation of Bill Pullman to Balthazar Getty confused almost everyone who watched this one.


4. Fight Club

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Definitely one of the most popular movies not only on this list but in general. After the connection between the Narrator and Tyler Durden, re-watching the movie again to notice the little details about their relationship is strongly recommended.


5. The Usual Suspects

Movies that are hard to fully understandVia

After the revelation of Verbal Kint’s true identity, you can re-watch the whole movie again after finishing it the first time to observe the end of King and the beginning of Soze.


6. Donnie Darko

Movies that are hard to fully understandVia

This movie is so confusing that even Jake Gyllenhaal himself doesn’t completely know what it’s actually about.


7. Primer

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There are at least nine different timelines in this movie, even the thought of it alone is so confusing.


8. The Sixth Sense

Movies that are hard to fully understandVia

There is hardly anyone who hasn’t ever watched The Sixth Sense, and at the same time we were all so confused and mind blown by the end of it that we had an urge to watch it again.


9. Shutter Island

Movies that are hard to fully understandVia

The twist ending, the whole character of Leo, it’s all so confusing that even Leo and Scorcese aren’t really sure about it. Shutter Island requires multiple viewings to be fully realized as a work of art.


102001: A Space OdysseyMovies that are hard to fully understandVia


A movie that as a whole is so hard to fully understand that it doesn’t even need a twist. This Stanley Kubrick classic definitely needs to be re-watched multiple times, for you to completely understand, and rightfully appreciate it.


11. 12 Monkeys

Movies that are hard to fully understandVia

This flick consists of a jumbled plot with some mind-blowing twists. It’s definitely not just a one-time watch, you would more often than not discover new things when you re watch it.


12. Inception

Movies that are hard to fully understandVia

The dream within a dream concept of this sci-fi blockbuster confused almost everyone and blew their minds at the same time. If you have ever watched Inception, then you have most probably watched it more than once.



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