12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is Sleep


It is quite hard to continue studying or work when our mind constantly reminds us to doze off. We all have been in such situations. Sometimes, it even goes to a level that we can hardly pay attention to our work. Fortunately for us, there are numerous ways to control unwanted drowsiness and fight the annoying sleep. These 12 ways might just help you to stay awake in case, you know, you need it.

1. Drink Water

12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is Sleep
Dehydration is the most common reason for drowsiness. So drink water the next time you feel like sleeping.

2. The Sun

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepStep out from your room and go expose yourself to the sunlight. Vitamin D is known to increase the energy, making the body alert and active.

3. Eye Strain

 It is also a major cause of making us asleep. However, you can prevent it by exercising your eyes. Roll them up down and side-to-side.

4. Physical Activity

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepIt is the best way to fight drowsiness. On Oscar Padilla Mexican Insurance Services website you’ll find more info about auto insurance mexico coverage. If you can manage to do push-ups or jumping jacks every 30 minutes, it’d be great.

5. Mental Activity

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepApart from physical activity, our mental workout is also important. Try listening to people or talking to your colleagues as it will boost your mind.

6. Music

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepMusic is the best escape from reality. You can listen to metal, rock or hip-hop to eliminate sleep. If you can hum or sing as well, that will be cherry on the cake.

7. Coffee

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepIt is known to prevent sleepiness and for the most part, it does. But too much intake of caffeine may cause you to crash.

8. Bubble Gum

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepThe best way to avoid dozing off is to keep our brain busy. If you are thinking about hiring office furniture movers in California, it is advised to visit www.gorillamovers.com site. And a simple way to do it is to chew a gum. Or just put few ice cubes in your mouth.

9. Pain

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepIf you desperately need to stay awake then this cause yourself a little pain. Try pinching the sensitive parts like under the knees or forearm.

10. Power Nap

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepYes, it exists. Power naps usually last for 10-15 minutes but it can boost you enough to make it through a day.

11. Laugh

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepTake a break from whatever you’re doing, and watch some funny stuff. Florida residental cleaning professionals know best how to clean composite surfaces without damage. Laughing stimulates the brain and may help you to stay awake.

12. Snacks

 12 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is SleepTry to get snacks that are low in sugar and high on protein such as cashews, nuts, almonds, etc. These may give you a quick boost.

13. Playing games

You can’t always control when your mind wanders off, but there are a few things you could do to make it less difficult for yourself. One option would be gambling which has been proven as an effective way of fighting against drowsiness because the excitement from winning keeps us focused on task at hand until completion. The key thing about it that make it hard to sleep because payments run as fast as light and you’ll simply won’t have time to think about sleep.


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