15 Weird Marriage Rituals All Over The World That’ll Make You Crazy!


#4 No pee breaks wedding!

In Borneo, one tribe does not allow newlyweds to leave their homes during their wedding day, not even to go to the bathroom. Like most odd traditions, it is said to bring the couple good luck.

weird marriage rituals


#5 Tears Of Love

Everybody cries at wedding, but wait, no, crying each day an hour for a month before the wedding? Please. Chinese people, have the copyright of weird marriage rituals, so here’s one more. The bride to be needs to cry at least one hour each day for a month before the wedding. Well the ladies in the family can join in too!

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#6 Money Dance

The first dance in Greek weddings are not so boring after all, why? Because you get money. The  the bride and groom share a traditional dance, during which guests pin money to their clothing.

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