Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression


We always think that people who suffer from depression and anxiety are different from us and somewhere it’s true. There’s nothing funny about depression and like said you can never really know what it feels like until you have gone through it. And that is what this woman went through. She knows how it feels and how you have to deal with it all by yourself. So to explain us, this woman created a heartbreaking photo series that will give us a hint about what people suffering from severe depression goes through.

She wrote “After years of severe depression and losing track of days not to mention who I used to be, I found that somewhere along the way I stopped caring. Missed outings with friends, existing in a pervasive fog of emptiness and even the thirty pounds I put on didn’t matter to me. I was slowly descending into a walled-off shell of my former self. How did I get here? That is a scary question that I wasn’t sure I wanted to answer.

I used to have confidence, I used to be outgoing and full of life. I didn’t recognize myself anymore. If I had to be honest, and I did, my life wasn’t matching up to my expectations. That’s the hard thing about expectations. This period in my life also corresponded with the demise of the two most significant relationships in my adult life, the last one ending in spectacular fashion. When you do everything in your power to hold onto the one you love and it isn’t enough you begin to feel that you are not enough.”

Read More: Gemma Correll- An Artist Illustrates Suffering From Anxiety And Depression In Hilarious Comics

1.It has no face.

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

2.It changes you mentally and physically. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

3.You stop recognizing yourself anymore. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

4.You stop caring, going out with your friends, and things stop affecting you. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

5.You get lost in your own thoughts and it takes over you. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

6.All you want is to get rid of it and stay happy like others. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

7.You try hard to get over it but fail. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

8.Nobody really knows what you are going through. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

9.You have to get over the thought of taking away your life every day you wake up. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

10.But you fight the thoughts and try to live anyway. Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

11.I can only feel what they have to go through every day. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

12.They won’t even ask anyone for help. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

13.All you want is to be alone. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

14.How perfectly these photo series explain what a person suffering from depression or anxiety has to go through. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

15.The world no longer exists for you. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

16.You stop feeling anything or feel everything all at once. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

17.All you want to do it find a corner and hide from the world. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

18.You feel lonely all the time. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

19.These photo series are really powerful. 

Woman Created Heart-Wrenching Photo Series After Years Of Severe Depression

“Though I no longer suffer from depression, the walls I have up are ever present. While creating these photographs I began to understand what I physically and mentally went through and to realize how it changed me. This is the truth of one of the chapters of my life and how in many ways I am still trying to come to terms with me that I used to know and love who I am becoming,” Jenny said.

This woman took a really tough deal.


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