“Where’s The chicken?” Woman Sued KFC For The Most Ridiculous Reason!


She has clearly asked the company to change the advertisement. And was “kind” to give them suggestions, she said they should take ideas from the movie ‘Oliver’: “It was about the little boy growing up in the orphanages and he was hungry and he goes to the man, ‘Can I have some more?”‘

sued kfc for ridiculous reason


The lawsuit, filed in a New York State Supreme Court, sued KFC for violating section’s of states’s general business law. The plaintiff is demanding that KFC alter its advertising and pay $20 million in damages.

sued kfc for ridiculous reasonvia

KFC, however, says that this is a ridiculous reason (read: “meritless”) and would request the court to dismiss the case.
sued kfc for ridiculous reasonvia

So folks, next you visit a fast food centre, make sure you pay close attention to what the ad says!


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