Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat


When you love someone, you don’t really care how that person is. Be it fat, thin, tall and anything as such, they don’t really matter. Men and women both have their own priorities. But you can’t really demean someone on others choices. Boyfriends or girlfriends usually don’t care how their partner looks. These things are more on the material side. When you wish to have a perfect partner, all you care about is the love you would get in return. And there is nothing more than that which should matter in any way. People often mock those who have chubby partners and that’s the worst thing one can do, it should be stopped, that’s what I wish for.

Read More: 23 Women Share The Sweetest Surprises Their Boyfriends Gave Them

Here is why women secretly wish that their boyfriends are or should remain fat!

1. This is kind of love we all deserve. You have one of the luckiest boyfriends ever.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

2. Exactly, fat people are fun to cuddle with. Women as such, we wish you have an awesome relationship. 

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

3. This is one of the cutest ones about boyfriends being fat. 

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

4. Men and women, this is something worth learning from. Everyone deserves love.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

5. Wish, everyone was this understanding. Why can’t everyone be this sorted?

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

6. Everyone likes their hugs soft and comfy. Fat people are perfect for that.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

7. Relationships as such give hope. Why can’t all men and women be like this?

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

8. There is nothing to be insecure about. Just have faith in him.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

9. Oh, well! Such kind of jealousy and possessiveness is cute.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

10. You have one of the luckiest boyfriends. Go ahead, irritate him more.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

11. Boyfriends who are chubby automatically become the best warm blanket. 

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

12. This is the kind of people our world needs right now.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

13. Your little girl wish has come true. You are blessed.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

14. Confessions as such by women are so freaking cute. They can make anyone smile.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

15. Why do I feel this is something Monia would say for Chandler?

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

16. Love can make anything possible, even letting people fill with confidence. 

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

17. Exactly, these women always keep love alive. Kudos.

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

18. All the best, girl. May you be successful in your plan. 

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

19. Love is all that matters, other things are just nonsense. 

Women Reveal Why They Secretly Wish Their Boyfriends To Be Fat

Source: Whisper


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