130 Year Old Images Of Samurai Warriors You Just Can’t Miss!!!


Ever heard of Samurai Warriors? If not, don’t worry, with the help of this article we’ll help you with a few important things about the fearless Samurai Warriors that probably everyone should know. Through these 130 years old images, we would take you a step closer to the lives of the Samurai Warriors. The images in the article clearly define the lives of the Samurai Warriors. The most disturbing image is #2 in which a sword is plunged deep into the stomach of a Samurai Warrior and he is totally soaked in blood.

#1 Ready To Fight!

Samurai warriors old images

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Being one of the most cultured warriors of Japan, these warriors were also known as Bushi and they represented premodern Japan. In this picture, the Samurai Warriors are in a ready position to fight with their enemies carrying heavy swords and wearing eccentric attire. The Samurai originated back in 710 in the Heian period. Though the term “Samurai” sounds masculine, female warriors also featured in the “bushi” class. They had to go through the same training in strategy and martial arts as the men. The Samurai Warriors are considered to be loyal and hard working.
#2 Seppuku for honor!

Samurai warriors old images

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If a Samurai Warriors got captured by the enemy or if they failed to follow bushido, they had to perform gruesome suicide known by the term “seppuku”. The warriors could choose seppuku as a punishment or could themselves commit suicide, anyway the warrior had to die. The seppuku was even known as Hara- Kiri and through this ritual, the Samurai Warriors left the world with grace and honor.
#3 Samurai warriors supervise seppuku of one of their own warriors

Samurai warriors old images
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The Samurai warriors were known to be disciplined and they followed a strict protocol known as Bushido which meant the way of the warrior. The above picture shows Samurai warriors witnessing self-murder of a fellow warrior who is wearing a white dress. The ritual is said to be a form of the Japanese ritual known as suicide by disembowelment. These old images thoroughly explain what a warrior had to go through. In this picture, a Samurai Warrior can be seen committing suicide for honor. 


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