17 Signs That You And Your Best Friend Beat Every Couple Out There!


Best friends are like beings of another planet altogether, that one person who understands us better than our supposed “one,” who understands us on levels even our parents don’t, a bond which a couple never has. They come before all the “honey” “baby” and “darling.” Girlfriends and boyfriends may come and go but your best friend is here to stay and much more important than the concept of being a “couple” with your “baby.” In fact, you get weird looks because of how tuned to each you are.

You and your best friend are worse than that couple that freaks everyone out by their cheesy love and PDA because you have a bond far stronger. Want to know how you compete with all those couples? Here we are:-

1. That single knowing “look”

You don’t need words to communicate with each, you seem to possess telepathy, knowing what the other is thinking without actually uttering a word. Ah, you’re well versed in the language of expressions.

best friend couple


2. You plan a shared future

“We’ll live in Amsterdam, have a studio apartment, and have a dog named Brownie…” The idea of being apart is one never stop to consider.

best friend couple


3. I hate him!- Well if you hate him, I hate him too

Even if the subject of his/her hatred did nothing to you, you feel that instant repulsion just because your friend hates them.

best friend couple


Also read10 Dating Tips To Help Switch From Bff To Boyfriend

4. Jokes which no one gets but you both

In fact, you complete each other’s sentences, understand which he/she which sound like utter nonsense to others.



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