These 6 Tricks Will Help You To Sleep In Minutes


While there’s probably no magic tricks to sleep in minutes but here are some useful, scientifically-proven tricks of expediting your path to dreamland in minutes. It’s important to remember that sleeping habits are exactly that – habits. As such, the more often you practice these tricks, the quicker you’ll get rid of adverse sleeping habits and realize practical results.

1. Forget About Trying

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes


Not being able to fall asleep can be incredibly frustrating – but it’s not a problem that can be willed away. Like hunger or thirst, sleep is a function of the body. We can (and should) make adjustments to our habits, but there will still be times when we’re just not ready to fall asleep.

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes


Good sleep hygiene practices can help, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Regular exercise, regulating stimulants, a well-balanced diet, and limiting daytime naps can all make falling asleep more accessible.

2. Warm Your Feet

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes


In a study conducted by German researchers, the team discovered a link between warm feet and the faster onset of sleep: “A hot-water bottle at the feet, while not acting on mechanisms in the central nervous system that underlie the regulation of sleep can rapidly induce vasodilation.”

Vasodilation is defined as “Widening of blood vessels that results from relaxation of the muscular walls of the vessels.”

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes


Pharmaceutical and over-the-counter (OTC) sleep aids are both known to increase vasodilation to varying degrees. As it turns out, a pair of warm socks (or a heated water bottle?) may also help do the trick.

3. Turn Those Lights Off

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes


Have you ever lost power in your house or apartment? If so, the odds are you slept better that night. The reason is, despite all the incandescent, fluorescent, and LED lighting, your body’s internal clock still syncs with the sun (thanks, evolution!)

Of course, the typical household doesn’t care much about sunrise and sunset times. Instead, we’re inundated with artificial lights, gadgets and other innovations that have altered our natural sleep/wake cycles.

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes


The solution: dim the lights and avoid blue light-emitting electronics for at least 60 minutes before getting into bed. Also, get rid of any light-emitting electronics from your sleeping space and that’ll help you to sleep in minutes.

4. Take a Hot Shower

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes



Not only is a hot bath or shower a blissful experience, but it also induces a sharp decrease in both cortisol (a stress hormone) and body temperature (a cool body temperature aids sleep). The sleep-inducing effects of a hot shower or bath may be one of the most underappreciated methods of assisting sleep.

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes



For bath lovers, one recommendation is to increase heat in your home to around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Then soak in the tub for about a half hour before hitting the rack.

Also read: All The Little Things Happy Couples Do Before They Go To Sleep

5. Let Your Mind Roam

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes


If your mind and body feel restless, just allow your mind to wander for a while. Imagine your dream vacation on some tropical island, or visualize some goal or aspiration you have yet to achieve. If you’re a daydreamer, this is a perfect time to engage in one of your favorite diversions. Call it “nightdreaming” if you will.

Positive, relaxing thoughts will help encourage sleep.

6. Breathe

6 Tricks to help You Sleep In Minutes


In an article published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers concluded:

“Participants within the mindful awareness practices (MAPs) group showed significant improvement relative to those in other groups. The MAPs group also showed significant improvement in secondary health outcomes of insomnia symptoms, depression symptoms, fatigue interference, and fatigue severity.”

The skill of quieting your mind can be irreplaceable for inducing sleep.


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