9 Simple Poop Hacks That Can Help You Poop Quickly When You Don’t Have Time!


How to poop quickly when you don’t have time?

Do Sometimes you get stuck on the toilet seat and even after all the struggle nothing is happening. Adding to the misery, when we don’t have much time and there is some urgency but we are still stuck on the seat struggling and just waiting.

Here are some of the ways which will help you poop quickly when you don’t have much time. Go through them and save yourself from wasting your precious time again in the toilet.

1. Fiber

How to poop quickly when you don't have time?


The inadequacy of fiber in our food is one of the main reason for this problem. Our body needs twenty-five to thirty grams of fiber daily for proper functioning. So try to eat fiber-rich foods daily.

2. Squat

How to poop quickly when you don't have time?


Sometimes, the position in which people sit creates a block which prevents them to pass. To solve this you need a stool under your feet which will  evaluate your feet resulting in creating a squatting position which will help the passage easily. You need to solve this problem immediately otherwise you may have to face something serious in the future.

3. water

How to poop quickly when you don't have time?


You need to drink enough amount of water as it will save you from the problem of constipation. Keeping yourself hydrated always helps in the better passage. Sometimes inadequacy of fluid in our body leads to this problem.


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