Check Out These Pictures To See The Real Difference Between North Korea & South Korea.


How many of you know that North Korea & South Korea were not divided and it was just one country, Korea. It got divided into North & South in 1945. After the division, these two countries have not been doing so well. In spite of being neighbors, these two countries have very different cultures and lifestyle. But not all of us are aware of it and to show the difference to the rest of the world, a photographer decided to capture the differences and show it to us. Keep reading to find out the real difference between these two countries.

pictures showing difference north korea south korea


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Here are the pictures that show the real difference between North Korea & South Korea.

1. A shooting instructor in Pyongyang, North Korea and in Seoul, South Korea

pictures showing difference north korea south korea


2. Rural Fields

North Korea looks barren

pictures showing difference north korea south korea


South Korea looks lush and greener

pictures showing difference north korea south korea


3. Parking Lots

North Korea looks empty.

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In South Korea, an amusement park was filled with buses and cars in parking lots.

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4. A visitor at Water Park in North Korea and her South Korean counterpart in Seol.

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5. Roads & Traffic

Roads in North Korea look mostly empty.

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Seoul, South Korea is one of the busiest cities in the world.

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6. People working at gas station in North Korea and South Korea

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7. A student from Pyongyang, North Korea and a student from Seoul, South Korea

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8. Shoppers in the supermarket: North Korea & South Korea


9. A tourist boat in North Korea and South Korea


10. A schoolgirl in North Korea celebrating Children’s Day and her counterpart at South Korea Fashion Week

pictures showing difference north korea south korea


People look so similar but you will see there is a lot of difference in lifestyle and their culture. What do you think of these differences? Do let us know your observations in the comment below.

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