Meet The 106-Year-Old Granny Who’s The Oldest YouTuber With The YouTube Channel As Country Foods


We are living in a time where the internet is used as a vast platform to showcase what we feel and think. We think that we are the new generations and the only one who can use the social media platforms to get the fame and be popular but unfortunately, we’re wrong. There is this 106-year-old granny named Mastanamma from Andhra Pradesh who is the oldest YouTuber and is taking down the internet by her amazing cooking videos that are uploaded in her channel “country foods”.

Mastanamma loves to cook traditional dishes and viewers love this old granny for her amazing skills.

106-years old granny has a channel country foods and is the oldest YouTuber


The YouTube channel country foods of this oldest YouTuber is managed by her great-grandson, K Laxman, who fondly describes the food as ‘made by my grandma’.

106-years old granny has a channel country foods and is the oldest YouTuber


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106-years old granny has a channel country foods and is the oldest YouTuber


Mastanamma cooks up delicious traditional dishes like fish fry, egg dosa, bamboo chicken biryani and a lot more in her videos and all from scratch so that you can see and learn her skills to cook delicious food. And who wouldn’t love to learn from the oldest YouTuber?!

106-years old granny has a channel country foods and is the oldest YouTuber


Mastanamma is not only the world’s oldest YouTuber, but she is also one of the most successful ones and has more than 3,60,000 subscribers on her channel ‘Country Foods’ which is not easy to gain.

106-years old granny has a channel country foods and is the oldest YouTuber



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