Unknown Facts About The Beatles That Are As Amazing As Their Music


John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr are still remembered for bringing back the beauty of rock and roll music to completely new bounds. They were recognized as The Beatles. It was a British band of four members, who have started their journey in the 1950s. The band emerged with a rock and roll genre but later went on to play pop ballads, hard rock and even Indian music. The fab four had produced songs that are loved, hated, and deeply analyzed by new generations every few years. Still, want to know more about them? Cool. Here are some crazy-ass unknown facts about The Beatles that will make you crave for more.

1. Beatlemania in The U.S.

Unknown facts about The Beatles

Beatlemania started in the U.S. by a 15-year-old teenager named Marsha Albert. After having witnessed this band in a news segment, she reached out to a radio station and asked “Why can’t we have music like this in America?” The station then played “I Want To Hold Your Hand” and other radio stations started receiving requests as well.


2. The Ban Effect

Unknown facts about The Beatles

Many Western bands including The Beatles were banned in the Soviet Union. Thus, it became difficult for the Soviet Russians to acquire their vinyl during the Beatlemania. But people found a way and created a workaround where music could be imprinted on the used X-ray scans taken from the dumps of hospitals.


3. Friendship Gone Too Far

Unknown facts about The Beatles

George Harrison claimed that he lost his virginity in front of the other three Beatles. This is one such unknown facts where he stated that his first shag was in Hamburg, while John, Paul and Pete Best watched. They even cheered when he finished.


4. Planning To Start a New Community

Unknown facts about The Beatles

John Lennon had an idea of starting a whole new utopian community with their family members and friends on the Greek islands. In 1967, they almost bought the island which was off the coast of Athens, Greece.


5. Condom On Fire

Unknown facts about The Beatles

The Beatles had spent most of the 1960 living behind the screen of a cinema named Bambi Kino. They were forced to use the urinals for shaving water and bathing purposes. However, soon after George Harrison was kicked out of Germany for being underage, The Beatles made plans to leave. But before leaving, Paul and Pete Best (then-drummer) lit a condom on fire which made the owner angry. They both were deported.


6. Excitement

Unknown facts about The Beatles

Okay, this is really one of those unknown facts that will make you go WTF! Multiple people have reported that The Beatles concerts smelled like urine. When talked about this, owner of a venue The Beatles played told that the place smelled like the pee of overexcited girls. I mean, what?


7. The Beatles And The LSD

Unknown facts about The Beatles

A dentist did the most wicked thing when he secretly slipped LSD into their coffee. However, it is still unclear that the dentist purposely mixed the LSD, or was he advised by The Beatles to dose them when it was least expected.


8. When John Lennon Met Paul McCartney

Unknown facts about The Beatles

One such unknown facts about The Beatles is that John Lennon met Paul McCartney at The Quarrymen. After watching the show, they played some music together. It was this time when Paul noticed that Lennon is drunk.


9. The First-Doers

Unknown facts about The Beatles

The Beatles were the first band to do many things. They started with printing lyrics on the album and went on to do concerts in stadiums. The Beatles were the first band to make music videos.


10. The Issues

Unknown facts about The Beatles


The Beatles were condemned by The Vatican as being “Satanic”when John Lennon called the band “more famous than Jesus”. However, The Vatican forgave the band in the year 2010. It was the same year when…


11. Revolver – The Best!

Unknown facts about The Beatles

“Revolver” was declared as the best album of all time by The Vatican. The announcement came out in the 2010 published article.


12. It was ‘The End’

Unknown facts about The Beatles

The Polynesian Village Hotel of the Disney World witnessed the end of Beatles. John Lennon’s former girlfriend May Pang had mentioned it in her book “Instamatic Karma”. The Beatles, was no longer a band after that.


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