These Amazing Unknown Facts About Famous People Will Surely Surprise You


We are taking this time to go through some amazing unknown facts about famous people. You will have a hard time in dealing with the fact that these unknown facts are indeed true. Knowing these people for years, you thought you would know everything there is to know about them but you were wrong. So, without further ado let’s go through these amazing unknown facts about famous people.


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Here are some shocking unknown facts about famous people


1. Buzz Aldrin made a rap song called “The Rocket Experience” forty years after he walked on the moon.

Unknown facts about famous people



2. Two time Academy Award nominee Woody Harrelson’s father was a contract killer.

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3. The second President of the United States John Adams had a beloved dog in the White House. He named this dog SATAN.

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4. Nicholas Cage owned a pet octopus because he believed that studying the octopus’ movements helped him in his acting.

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5. Cuban leader Fidel Castro appeared in two Hollywood movies, ”Holiday in Mexico” and “Easy To Wed”, he was just a background actor in both the movies.

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6. During Padme’s part of Star Wars, Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman looked so alike that even their mothers found it difficult to differentiate between them.

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7. Theodore Roosevelt used to read a complete book per day even during his Presidency days. Now, that is called dedication.

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8. Bob Marley’s dad was actually white. He was a white English-Jamaican marine. Bob Marley resented his father, and it influenced his entire music career.

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9. Michael Jordan made more money from Nike than all the Malaysian Nike employees combined.

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10. Isaac Asimov published so many books, that if you start reading one per day it would take you nine whole years to finish them off.

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11. During his school days, Bill Gates was assigned the task of writing the code for a program that scheduled classes. Gates altered the code so that he could be placed in a class with mostly female students.

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12. The reason why Steve Jobs became vegan is due to the fact that he believed that it would eliminate the need bathe. 

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13. Academy Award-winning musician Vangelis can’t even read a single note of music.

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14. One of Hitler’s associates told him that his moustache was unfashionable. Hitler responded by saying that even though the moustache is not in fashion now, it soon will be because he wears it.

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