10 Most Famous Magic Tricks Of All Time – Secret Revealed


Famous Magic Tricks – Secret Revealed

We are often amazed by the performances of magic tricks by famous magicians like Chris Angels, Doug  Henning, and David Copperfield. Most of us know that there is always a scientific reason behind every trick. A pigeon coming out of a hat or a never ending cloth coming out of magician’s hand are some of the common tricks used by the performers which we have seen a number of times. But when a performer makes the Statue of Liberty disappear, flies in the air in front of us or changes a small car into a luxurious one , it is something that is not so simple.

We will show you the truth of some of the mysterious magic tricks of all times. Yes, the magic tricks which amazed us , wowed us and sometimes gave us confusion are going to reveal today. Now just read the mechanical explanations behind the great magic tricks and turn yourself into a great magician..

Here are 10 famous magic tricks  with their secrets:

  1.  Two Pieces of a Body

Famous Magic Tricks Secret Revealed

Now you know how this trick is played. This picture explains the whole process behind the trick where a body is cut down into two different pieces.

2. The floating Lady

Famous Magic Tricks Secret Revealed

The lady is lying on a stick which is supported by a metallic rod. The rod can be seen only when the magician will move from his place.

3. Cutting Legs


Famous Magic Tricks Secret Revealed

Don’t get amazed when you see this trick next time because now you know the whole process behind the trick. The girl is shrinking her body and the artificial legs are placed after the block.

4.  Flying

Famous Magic Tricks Secret Revealed

This is how a magician makes something to rise in the air. This trick is similar to the trick revealed in the second point.

5. Sitting on Air

Famous Magic Tricks Secret Revealed

This is very common and you must have seen it a number of times. He is hiding the board in his dress on which he is sitting which you can see in the picture.


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