These Awesome Illustrations Show What It’s Like To Date A Giant Nerd Boyfriend


It may seem adorable to have a boyfriend. However, if your boyfriend is taller than you by more than 1 foot and is a nerd, you may face some minor inconveniences. This artist from Malaysia who likes to go by the name Fishball has depicted the story of her nerdy boyfriend in a series called “My Giant Nerd Boyfriend”. Fishball is a gamer, artist and geek who has documented all the adventures she encountered with her boyfriend who is around 6 feet and 5 inches tall. This series reveals the truth about dating a taller boyfriend in the most fun and relatable way. She has included various scenarios from grocery shopping to watching horror movies in her adorable series.

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1. You can actually stand behind him for shade during summer.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



2. That is kind of harsh.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



3. He is flicking fresh flowers away to get rid of the fragrance.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



4. Moreover, he cannot even find things that are right in front of his face.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



5. Guys do really feel lost when left alone.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



6. Sandwiched between pillows. 

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



7. No Pikachus were harmed in the making of this comic strip. 

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



8. Pro tip: If you are dating a giant boy, you should drop umbrellas altogether. Just get some nice raincoats.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



9. Ever nerd thinks that he can fit any social group or in this case, any space in general.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



10. You probably love her because of just this.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



11. This comic strip is super weird but still adorable.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



12. You can actually wear such loose, highly comfortable clothes while sleeping.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



13. He is definitely a keeper. He has awesome priorities.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



14. Well, that escalated (not) quickly.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend



15. Everyone has been an idiot in their own stories.

Illustrations Nerd Giant Boyfriend




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