Beautiful And Rare Wedding Photographs Of 20th Century Celebrities.


Hollywood has always been producing real gems, and the 20th century was one such era where women were ruling Hollywood more than men. But, we bet that you never got a sneak peek into the real lives of these Hollywood beauties who not only were ruling Hollywood with their acting and looks but was also winning at life. These rare wedding photographs of the gorgeous Hollywood celebrities of the 20th century are surely real hidden treasure!

These Vintage and rare wedding photographs of Hollywood celebrities are indeed something that deserves your attention!

1. Wallis Simpson and Edward VII.

We all wish to be as lucky as Wallis for whom Edward VII chose to leave his royal throne. Wallis Simpson was divorced twice and therefore the Royal family of Great Britain did not deem her worthy enough to be the wife of Edward VII. King Edward VII chose to leave the throne to be with the woman he loved.
rare wedding photographs

2. Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti.

Sophia Loren met the love of her life Carlo Ponti at a beauty contest. The two fell in love almost instantly but Ponti was already married. Despite struggling to get a divorce from the Catholic Church of Italy, he married Sophia in Mexico.
3. Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer.

This wasn’t one of the successful marriage stories, though it lasted for 14 long years Audrey was never happy in the relationship. She revealed in an interview that Mel always tried to control her career choices and was jealous of her success.

rare wedding photographs



4. Jacqueline Kennedy and John Kennedy.

Beauty as well as powerful, that’s who she is, her marriage to John Kennedy who was also running for the Presidential race that year was definitely one of the biggest events that year. When John was assassinated she was sitting right next to him, but despite the tragedy, she managed to arrange a beautiful funeral for her husband.

5. Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra.

Ava Gardner’s marriage to Frank Sinatra was one of the most controversial marriages, Sinatra had left his wife of 12 years and three children to be with Ava. People really criticized Sinatra for his decision and it definitely affected his career.

6. Catherine Deneuve and David Bailey.

The popular French actress was married to photographer David Bailey. But, that certainly wasn’t a big event, they kept it a private affair and just got married. But, the marriage soon fell apart mostly due to the language barriers.

7. Bianca Jagger and Mick Jagger.

Mick Jagger met beautiful actress Bianca Perez in September 1970, the couple got married on May 1971, but the marriage soon fell apart when Bianca found about the affair Mick was having with model Jerry Faye Hall.

8. Liza Minnelli and Peter Allen.

The couple was introduced to each other by Liza’s mother Judy Garland, they were the perfect Hollywood couple until one day the news of them breaking up came out in the open when it was revealed the Peter preferred men more than women.
rare wedding photographs

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