Expectation Vs Reality Of Being ‘Just Friends’ With Your Ex


Expectation Vs Reality Of Being ‘ Just Friends ’ With Your Ex

So you’re over the “land-mine area”- the period after your breakup where going to talk, hell even glance at your ex-feels super awkward. The idea of being friends with ex-seemed far-fetched but trust me, in so many ways, it still is how “cool” you both are now with your breakup, something that you think belongs in the past.

So here is this real cold icy water of “reality” to your over-the-cloud “expectations” about being friends with your ex:

  1. Remembering the old times

Expectation- Oh my! We have some really good memories to cherish. Remember that time… (lost in memories, talking about the good old times).

Reality- What went wrong? *crying or worse screaming* we were so good together! I miss those times so much.

Expectation Vs Reality Of Being ‘Just Friends’ With Your Ex
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  1. Meeting his new flame

Expectation- OMG! I am so glad you found someone so nice. She is perfect for you.

Reality- How could you go out with someone else, we just broke up! I don’t care if it had been 3 months, you just can’t. And what do you see in her that I didn’t have?

Expectation Vs Reality Of Being ‘Just Friends’ With Your Ex
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  1. Talking about why you broke up

Expectation- We were both at fault and well, no point trying to point a finger at one another.

Reality- You broke up, not me. You broke my heart. You never cared about me!

Expectation Vs Reality Of Being ‘Just Friends’ With Your Ex
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