You Won’t Believe These Coolest Inventions Were Actually Made By Kids!


7. Stand-Up Bacon Cooker Makin’ Bacon

In 1993, an 8-year-old girl named Abbey Fleck and her dad 8 were cooking bacon. They realized that they didn’t have paper towels or something to soak up the grease. This is how she got the idea – maybe bacon could be cooked upright. The greases would just drip off and no one would need paper towels.

coolest invention by kids

8. The Cooling Umbrella

A 6-years-old girl named Peh Yong was sitting under a tree on a hot day and wondered why she felt so much cooler there. Her curiosity led to her create the Cooling Umbrellas. The umbrella is lined with threaded straws that absorb moisture from a water container. The water vapor then travels via the straw and is released under the umbrella, keeping the umbrella holder cool.

coolest invention by kids

9. The Hot Seat

When Alissa Chavez was 17, she decided to make something to keep young children from suffocating inside hot cars. She came up with the idea of Hot Seat. It’s an alarm for car seats that alerts parents if they left their child in a car. It’s linked with the car, cell phone, and key chain so a parent will be aware of it wherever they are.

coolest invention by kids


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