Thankyou, Bollywood For Screwing Us By Teaching These 6 Wrong Lessons!


Thankyou, Bollywood!

Crying moms, runaway brides and loud bangras, dear Bollywood, you’ve given us a lot. No, no, we’ll never forget the depressing love songs, kohl-smudged close eyes’ shots of actresses white as milk in their loud, shiny lehengas; as much as we are “grateful” for all that, we’d like to take a moment to tell you all the wrong lessons you taught us.

1. Have you noticed how the protagonist of the story realizes, JUST before his life is about to change or take a new turn or start of something really great, that he has been living wrong all his life? Come on, man! You spent years wanting something and now you realize it’s something else that you want? Well, fuck you!


2. The lovely bride, our heroine will get flashbacks of her best moments with the “love of her life” (who is not the would-be groom) and have epiphany in the mandap and run away to chase the hero while the entire crowd of guests stands in silence for entire five minutes for the speech of how she only “likes” the (would have been?) groom and not “love” him before leaving. Guys, this doesn’t happen in real life; if your girlfriend’s getting married, don’t wait at the airport or railway station.


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3. ALSO, this bride will not bother to change her clothes and maybe slip into more comfortable that is easy to run in, no! She’s gonna run in the heavy 12 Kg Manish Malhotra lehenga choli and even heavier TMZ jewelry.



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