25 Boyfriends And Husbands Who Raised The Bar Too High For Others!


Men generally have a reputation for being not too romantic. But there are some guys out there who are setting an example for others, that anybody can be hella romantic. Yep, you can make your girl feel special, by something really out of the box. These boyfriends and husbands have definitely raised the bar too high for other men out there. But for now, boys, watch and learn!

After watching these boyfriends and husbands you can be sure of one thing, they have raised the bar too high!

1. So every time she visits the bathroom she’s gonna come out smiling!boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

2. I definitely want my husband to do this for me <3

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high3. That is definitely something that would melt my heart right away!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

4. Wow!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

5. Dear Babe, I want you to make me one of these. 

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

6. So what if we can’t afford a real one right now, I can still build you a small fire. 

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

7. That is something I’d like. 

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

8. Oh my God! Please do this for me. 

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

9. Waking her with the best surprise ever!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

10. Perks of having a husband who can really make his gardening skills count!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

11. So, this couple couldn’t afford a Christmas tree, so the husband made this little surprise for his wife. Because all that matters is the love and effort right?!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

12. Such a beautiful memory. 

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

13. I bet she was shocked in a good way. 

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

14. The love is beyond measure in this one!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

15. I want one of these!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

read also: 12 Passionate Yet Sensual Quotes From Romantic Movies That’ll Leave You Wanting For More

16. Ohh this definitely looks enchanted to me!boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

17. Aww!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

18. I bet this cute little surprise took her breath away!boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

19.This is pretty cool.

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

20. Is this romantic or what!

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

21. She came home a bit drunk one night, so her husband had this set up ready for her with all the necessary requirements ready!boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

read also: 13 Shockingly Scandalous Ways People Met Their Significant Others!

22. Stairway to Christmas. 

boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

23. This painting *_*boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

24. He crafted her an Elvish Ring for their engagement. boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high

25. He built a cupcake Ferris wheel for their wedding!boyfriends and husbands who have raised the bar too high


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