10 Of Your Favorite Celebrities Reveal Their Worst Audition Moments


Auditions are the chance for every actor/performer to make an impression in the mind of the director and the production banners. While some auditions go well and the actor gets lauded for their performance playing the part, some might go south.  Some of these worst audition moments might even haunt the celebrity in the future as nothing goes away from the internet. Some actors show immense maturity in admitting to the fans of their worst performance or worst audition moments while some deny it outright.

Read More: You Probably Didn’t Know Anything About These Celebrities And Their Hidden Talent. 

Have a look at some the celebrities and their worst audition moments!

1.Eddie Redmayne

The Oscar-winner for ‘Theory of everything’ had a ‘catastrophically bad’ audition for Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2014. He auditioned for the role of the antagonist Kylo Ren. He was given a portion of the Pride and Prejudice to read and was told he would be playing the villain. Nina Gold had like 10 shots for him where he tried a lot of noises and stuff (trying to imitate Darth Vader) and after a while, they both understood he was not ‘The One’.

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2.Jared Leto

One of his worst audition moments was for the legendary franchise Star Trek for Star Trek: Next Generation and he had just one line but he remembers he was so bad that even he could not believe he could be that bad.

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments


3.Emma Stone 

The gorgeous La La Land actress has had her fair share of bad auditions, she auditioned for ALL THAT –a Nickelodeon sketch show which did not go well along with a couple of others like ‘a babysitter who was possessed’ and a ‘cheerleader who couldn’t spell what she was cheering’, imagine her playing that!

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments


4.Meryl Streep

Believe it or not, iconic actress Meryl Streep auditioned for King Kong for the role which was portrayed later by Jessica Lange. She was called ugly by the producer as soon as she entered the room and the story has been recollected by her many times after it happened in the 1970’s.

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments


5.Scarlett Johansson

There is no doubt that Johannson is an awesomely talented actress, she auditioned for a part in the classic Jumanji which recently had a second part. The audition tape is still on Youtube and that was one of her worst auditions. Who thought she’ll be on this list of celebrities?!

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments


6.Jake Gyllenhaal 

Just imagine Jake playing Frodo in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, you can’t? Well, that’s because his audition went really bad as he didn’t do the British accent and he heard back it was one of the worst auditions the team had.

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments


7.Ryan Reynolds 

Deadpool singing, no way!

Ryan Reynolds once auditioned for a part in an unknown musical where his singing went so bad that he is still scared that it will be the end of his career if that audition tape resurfaces. Who thought he’ll be on this list of celebrities?!

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments


8.Nicholas Hoult

He auditioned for Prince Caspian in the famous Chronicles of Narnia series and he was asked to do a Hispanic accent for the part, which he couldn’t do well.

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments


9.Bradley Cooper

Cooper auditioned for the role of Green Lantern later portrayed by Ryan Reynolds. He was so excited about the role that he wound up doing a cringe-worthy imitation of Christian Bale’s Batman and eventually bombed the audition.

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments


10.Channing Tatum 

He auditioned for a role in the Tokyo Drift part of the Fast and the Furious series and forgot his lines during the audition.

Favorite Celebrities Reveals Their Worst Audition Moments



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