12 Characteristics That Prove The Girl You Are With Is A Keeper


When you are in a relationship, it is important to see if the person you are with is a keeper or not. If you can spend your life with her without regretting your choice even for a minute. And it’s not tough to find out if your girl is a keeper or not. There ain’t any complicated formulas, just a few characteristics. Characteristics which are not hard to spot, you get to witness them every day.

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Here is a list of characteristics that prove the girl you are with is a keeper and you should never let her go!

1. Honesty is the best policy

Yes, indeed, honesty is one of the best characteristics one can have. It’s not really easy to speak out everything you feel and if your girl does that, she is a keeper. She doesn’t keep anything to herself and is very honest with you.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


2. She never questions about your private space

When the girl you are dating lets you do everything you love, doesn’t stop you from hanging out with a friend, she is a keeper. She is someone who understands the value of personal space.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


3. You are forgiven easily

If a person is able to forgive easily then trust me, he/she is a gem. And if your girlfriend is one such person, you are blessed. Never ever let her go.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


4. Your family loves her

No one can care about us more than our family. They easily get to know if a person is good for you or not. If your family loves her then she is the one for you. The one with the perfect characteristics to keep you happy forever.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper



5. She loves people who matter to you

This is one of the best sign to find out if your girl is a keeper or not. If she loves and values people you love, she is the one for you. She has accepted every aspect of your life.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


6. Genuity is one of her best characteristics

She loves helping everyone, she is genuine to the very core, she hardly holds any grudges, she is a keeper. Not every person you want to be with has the qualities that you look for. But once you get someone who has them, keep her.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


7. She is different

Hell, yes! She is. The fact she is different speaks a lot about her. She sees the world with different perspective and helps you in ways you can’t thank her enough for. When she is different, she’ll tell you different sides of the situation you might be stuck in and help you come out of them.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


8. You two have a perfect chemistry

If you have a girl you are completely comfortable with and she feels the same, she is the one. She is a keeper. What else you need when the person you are with knows you well?  And the chemistry keeps getting better.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper



9. Comfortable in her own skin

If she loves herself and knows how to deal with her issues, she is perfect. People who know how to be happy with themselves are the best kind of people. If your girl is one of them, you know life is perfect.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


10. Support system

You know she is the one when she supports you in everything you do. She stands by your side, be the pillar you want to lean on and so much more. A support system is one of the foremost characteristics people see when they look for a partner. She’s a keeper if she is the woman behind your success.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


11. Doesn’t carry the baggage of past

If you are with someone who knows how to live in the present and doesn’t let her past hinder her life, she is the one. People who know how to move on and restart their life are the best kind of people. If your girl is one such person, she is a keeper.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper


12. Knows everything about you

She is aware of your likes and dislikes, She knows every tiny detail when it comes to you, She takes care of you and loves you from the core of her heart, you know she is the one you need.

Characteristics of a girl who is a keeper



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