Differences Between Real Friends And So Called Friends


Friendship makes the journey of life worth it. As friends are the most beautiful part of life, it’s important to have a bunch of real friends. We often encounter two types of friends, real friends and so called friends.

Let’s see how can we distinguish between real friends and so called friends.

1. Constant Support System
A real friend stays by your side, no matter what! Whereas, so called friends accompany you only in your good times.

Real friends and so called friends


2. Madness and weirdness
The piece of shit you are in front of your real friends can never be compared with what you are in front of your fake friends. It’s all about compatibility and how comfortable you are.

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3. The Secret Keeper
Your real friends know all your secrets, from the dirtiest to the weirdest, all of them! Whereas your fake friends are not actually interested in listening to your secrets! And probably you are not interested in sharing as well!

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