14 Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


John Cena undoubtedly is one of the most popular icons from wrestling entertainment globally. He has been dating one of the Bella twins, Nikki Bella for some time and recently Cena proposed to her at Wrestle Mania 33. Although the couple may look like polar opposites as Cena is a hardworking, motivated and inspirational figure in the WWE, while Nikki Bella is someone who wants to get famous and do that with minimum effort as possible.

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Here are some amazing facts about Nikki Bella the fiancée of John Cena!

1.Nikki wanted to be a soccer player, not a wrestler

Even though both the twins were soccer players, Nikki was the better athlete than Brie. They eventually landed gold in Diva search and has been associated with WWE ever since. One of the facts about Nikki.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


2.Not exactly the committed type

Nikki has been previously married to her high school boyfriend when she was 20 years old. This marriage, however, was annulled three years later by a judge saying that the marriage never properly happened.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


3.Rumor spread by Maria about John Laurinaitis

Maria spread a rumour via twitter that the Bella twins had a Hot tub run with John Laurinaitis who scouted them for the WWE and calls it one of his better decisions in his career. Although it could be argued that feud between Maria and Nikki might have made her spread these rumours but one cannot believe some of it.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


4.Relation with Dolph Ziggler                       

He has been linked with almost all divas in the WWE.This does not seem to bother either Ziggler or Cena, so maybe it’s not that bad after all.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


5.Bella Twins and Maryse

She did not let Marysse, Wife of Miz join Total Divas in 2013 as some rumours say.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


6.Nikki bullying Kharma alias Awesome Kong

She fat shamed Kharma alias Awesome Kong from TNA and never got her payback for her teasing and bullying.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


7.Nikki Bella vs Maria

Maria alleged Nikki was the cause of her downfall in WWE. She created and spread so many rumours about the twins and their rivalry is still best known.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


8.Nikki v/s Brie storyline in WWE

A lot of hateful things were said and done during this storyline although created behind the scenes. Nikki even said she hopes Brie died in the womb, Cena might not take that well.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


9.Reality shows and life suits her

Although she still has some time left in her in WWE, her real career might be reality shows for which she is best.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


10.Cena used in social media for her benefits

Cena is heavily used by Nikki in her social media charades and pranks.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


11.She quit WWE

Cena who has never lost an ‘I quit’ match might find this hard to digest.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


12.Did not appear in Wrestlemania 29 match

Her card got cancelled in the same event where John Cena faced off the Rock. Cena having one of the greatest resumes for Wrestlemania’s might not take this on a better note.

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


13.Didn’t allow Kelly Kelly to rejoin WWE

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena


14.Cena having John Laurinaitis as Father In Law

Laurinaitis married the twins’ mom and he will be Cena’s Father in Law once Nikki marries him.  Laurinaitis recruited the twins to WWE. Daniel Bryan who will marry Brie will be Cena’s brother in law. Too much wrestling power in the family!

Facts About Nikki Bella The Fiancée Of John Cena




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