Do You Know The Hidden Meanings Behind These Famous Logos? They Are Quite Interesting!


A company spends millions of dollars for a unique and competitive logo. We see famous logos almost every day but have you ever wondered what exactly do they mean or what inspired the designer to come up with a certain logo? All these famous logos have hidden meanings behind it and they are quite clever and interesting. Here we have got 20 famous logos and their hidden meanings. Some of them are really impressive and show a good marketing strategy.

Are you guys ready? Let’s find out the clever and hidden meanings behind these famous logos.

1. Toyota

The three ellipses seen in the logo for Toyota represent three hearts: the heart of the customer, the heart of the product, and the heart of progress in the field of technology.

The Hidden Meanings Behind These Famous Logos


2. Amazon

After seeing that arrow it’s not hard to figure out. The yellow line in the Amazon logo is much more than a simple take on an uplifting smiley face. If you look closely, you will note that the arrow starts at the letter “a” and ends with the letter “z”, signifying that it has everything you need, a to z.

The Hidden Meanings Behind These Famous Logos


3.  Bentley

Bentley is a world renowned British automaker known for its luxury cars. The “Big B” logo with two flying wings signify the brands indirect, proud claim that Bentley is the closest a car can come to having wings.

The Hidden Meanings Behind These Famous Logos


4. Barcelona

The Barcelona logo has the St. George Cross in the upper left corner while the Catalan flag is placed beside it. The team colors, blue and red, are displayed in stripes at the bottom. These two colors are said to be inspired by the uniform of Merchant Taylors School team or possibly the Robespierres First Republic.

The Hidden Meanings Behind These Famous Logos



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