Heart-Wrenching Stories Shared By Nurses About The Kids Surviving Abortions.


6.”One evening an aborted child got here in the hospital while 3 premature kids were taken care at the same time. The doctors concentrated on saving the premature that were near to death. While the 3 babies were taken care of she witnessed the infant that survived abortion was ignored and left to die.”

Heart-Wrenching Stories Nurses Kids Surviving Abortions


7.My colleague came up to me and said: “This happens every so often.”
After a doctor, Joan called simply told her to do nothing but fill in the time of death for the baby. The infant was moving his legs and arms flailing. He was making an attempt to gas air into his lungs but was unable to do so. Each professional fought their ethical standards and private beliefs as they argue over the aborted infant. The newborn was not resuscitated as the physician said her “This is an abortion. We have no right to intrude.”-Karen

Heart-Wrenching Stories Nurses Kids Surviving Abortions


8.”I was curious to know what the nurses in other hospitals do to kids surviving abortions. Their responses shocked me to the core. As an alternative to letting the kid die of its own, they resort to different other means that ensures the infant would die sooner, more painful and heartbreaking. Their hospital puts the infants in the bucket and then puts the lids on. Suffocation! Death by suffocation!”– Malloy

Heart-Wrenching Stories Nurses Kids Surviving Abortions


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