Heart-Wrenching Stories Shared By Nurses About The Kids Surviving Abortions.


We have all heard heart-wrenching stories about the kids surviving abortions by the nurses. Do you know that when a baby is born alive during abortions, they are kept in the abortion clinic until they die? There are rare cases when the procedure kills the babies. When we hear heart-wrenching stories from nurses about the kids surviving abortions, it’s disturbing and we feel the pain. It’s the policy of some hospitals that they just leave the kids surviving abortions to die as revealed by the nurses. The heart-wrenching stories will make you feel helpless and all you can do is nothing.
Heart-Wrenching Stories Nurses Kids Surviving Abortions


We have gathered few heart-wrenching stories shared by nurses about the kids surviving abortions.
Heart-Wrenching Stories Nurses Kids Surviving Abortions


1.”While it was my night shift nurses came running to me and handed me a pan that was covered with paper towel. I asked her what it was and the look on her face made me realize that there was something very wrong. “It’s an abortion at 22 weeks gestation, delivered on our floor. But it’s alive,” she said and left. I removed the paper towel to see the perfectly formed body of a baby boy curled up in the cold metal pan and left till he dies”- Joan S. Smith

Heart-Wrenching Stories Nurses Kids Surviving Abortions


2.”I saw a bassinet outside the room where aborted fetuses were, and it was crying. “There was a child in the bassinet a crying completely formed child. She had been scalded. She was the kid of a saline abortion. This little girl looked as if she had been put in a pot of boiling water. She was left alone to die in pain. They wouldn’t let her in the nursery – they didn’t even bother to cover her.

I was ashamed of my profession that night! It’s hard to believe this can happen in our modern hospitals, but it does. It happens all the time. I thought a hospital was a place to heal the sick – not a place to kill.”-Kathleen Malloy

Heart-Wrenching Stories Nurses Kids Surviving Abortions


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