Heartbreaking Stories Of Why These People Don’t Believe In Soulmates!


Soulmates are something that everybody craves for. But not all of us are fortunate enough to get one. There are times when we feel that we finally have someone who would stay with us no matter what. But what happens when your heart comes crashing down on a pavement, with your left all alone to suffer the pain of a heartbreak. You stop believing in love, or the mere idea of being someones forever. These people share their heartbreaking stories of why they don’t believe in soulmates anymore.

If you too have ever had been betrayed then you will definitely relate to these heartbreaking stories!

1. I think, that if you have a soulmate, you will meet them at least once in your life. heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

2. We become what we see, but isn’t it entirely up to us how we change the way we look at life?

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

3. Maybe it is unrealistic to you because apparently, you haven’t met yours yet!

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

4. False affections usually make us forget that true love really exists. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

5. You are right, but you can’t really force someone to stay with you or love you. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

6. I’m sure you will change your mind later on. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

7. Just because somebody didn’t treat you right that doesn’t mean that nobody will. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

8. Be patient and you will. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

9. Um, isn’t that what counts?

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

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10. They don’t have to be necessarily broken you know. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

11. And that is who is your soulmate is.

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

12. Not everyone can. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

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13. True. But, faith can move mountains. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

14. Yes, they do. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

15. It is, but what kind?

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

16. I think you really don’t understand what love is all about then!

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

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17. I think that’s okay. 
heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

18. Yes, but you will always remember that one person who doesn’t live up to anybody. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

19. And you don’t believe?

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates

20. Yes it is. 

heartbreaking stories from people who don't people in soulmates


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It really hurts to see that the world today no longer believes in love. What have we really done? Why can’t fairy tales be true? Soulmates or not, I believe that if there is someone who is really down for you and will do anything to keep you that’s your life partner right there! And I think that’s is definitely something one should be looking forward to right!


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