Little known Twilight Facts You’ll Be Surprised to Know.


Twilight is that one series that drove the entire teen world bonkers both as fiction saga and movie franchise! Thanks to Stephenie Meyer, Edward Cullen became (and who am I kidding, still is!) our personal brand of heroin. Inspiring a not-as-popular series Fifty Shades of Grey, Twilight still remains a personal favorite to most of us! You’ll be curious to know the twilight facts, right?

Here are 18 Twilight facts that even the most dedicated Twihards might not have heard of!

1. Robert Pattinson actually plays the piano for ‘Bella’s lullaby’ in the first movie, Twilight!

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2. Henry Cavill, our very own Superman, was the first preference for playing the role of Edward Cullen!

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3. The prom dress that Bella wears in Twilight cost only 20$! These twilight facts are making me go crazy.

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4. The jaw-dropping apple catching scene in Twilight took 13 takes to get it right!

twilight facts



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