Woman Live-Tweets Two Wives At Airport Planning To Catch Cheating Husbands!


There is no better feeling than seeing someone’s scandal unfold in front of your eyes. Yeah, yeah, as much as you would love to say “mind your own business”, it is kinda fun. Well, apparently sometimes the drama can get so spicy that you really feel like you know them or can relate to them. So, apparently, one such drama was prepping to get unveiled at the Ohio Airport in front of a woman. And, wait for it, she live-tweets the plot, where two wives were planning to catch their cheating husbands.

27-year-old Brittney-Jade Colangelo was at an airport bar in Ohio. She overheard the two women next to her discussing a devious plan over multiple rounds of shots. Well, looks like they were plotting up something really really good.

She then decides to make it a little more interesting and went on to share the whole “eavesdropping” experience with the internet.

She live-tweets the entire conversation taking place between the two of them. Since she knew neither of the two wives, she refers to them as the “Shot lady” and the “Gum Lady”.

And as expected, Twitter was instantly firing up wanting more. But what unfolded was rather disappointing.

She unfolds the story of the cheating husbands in a series of tweets 


woman live-tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

You never know whom you may meet!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbandsThat is definitely some legitimate advice. 

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

This is definitely true, it actually doesn’t matter whether you sleep with a man or a woman, cheating is cheating.

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

read also: 20 Wives Confess About What They Do When Their Husbands Leave Town!

Shots make everyone a brave person!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

Well, looks like it is everyone’s favorite now!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

Honestly, this is getting more awesome! So, somebody actually had seen the red flags going up!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

True that!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

Hahaha please, ladies stop it!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

God, crying, for what? Your husband is a cheater and is Gay!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

Aww, at least they found something to soothe themselves with.

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

So Chicago is where the liers and cheaters are hiding!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

Don’t we all?!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

Now, I literally adore this Shot Lady! Definitely the hero!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

Please don’t be sad 🙁

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

She actually knows her shit!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

I seriously can connect with them on so many levels!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

More power to you!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

Let’s hope that they see this tweet and get a heads up. Because these two women are going to rain down on them like the Holy Ghost!

woman live tweets two wives planning to catch their cheating husbands

read also: 20 People Openly Admit To Cheating In Their Long Distance Relationships!



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