The Major Problems With Teenage Girls Of Our Generation


There was a time when teenage used to be one of the most innocent periods of your life but things have changed lately. Teenage girls these days deal with many issues and it won’t be wrong if we say that all of those are created by themselves. If you start behaving like adults at your teenage, you would face problems like an adult which you won’t be able to tackle because at the end of the day, you are just a teenager. Well, here is a list of major problems with teenage girls of our generation:

1. Mood Swings

problems with teenage girls


Teenage girls these days have so much mood swings. One night, she will flirt with you and the next night, they are going to friend-zone you by making up stories.

2. Changed Priorities

problems with teenage girls


They should understand that there is an age for everything and crying over a breakup is definitely not a thing to do for a teenager.

3. No Simplicity

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Social media affects personality a lot. Teenage girls of now have lost the simplicity that used to be a part of the character of every girl in earlier days.

4. Technology Took Over

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Selfies are life. With all those new crazy poses, it is very weird to see pictures on social media nowadays.

5. Behaving Like Adults

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Teenage girls should get their facts right and stop thinking that 13 is the new adult.

6. What A Pose

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I am speechless about this. Teenage girls clicking pictures like this is definitely not what people want to see.

7. Clothes

problems with teenage girls


Teenage girls should wear clothes like a kid, not like an adult.

8. No Decency

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Punctuality was considered a good virtue by people from earlier days but now, it has become a matter of joke.

9. Depression

problems with teenage girls


Maximum teenage girls consider themselves to be in depression for whatsoever reason. Let me pop the bubble and put the fact out there that depression is a huge term. You are just pretending to be depressed but in reality, you’re not.

10. Peer Pressure

problems with teenage girls


This is one of the most major problems and nobody can deny it. Peer pressure makes teenagers do stupid stuffs which they regret later.


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