Everyone Should Definitely Read This Mom’s List Of Don’ts For Her Daughter!


Every mother is really protective of her child. But these days mothers are more careful about her girl child, why? Because this society is not fitting to be good for her to be a part of. And there is one mom who is actually inspiring parents across the globe with her powerful open letter to her five-year-old. The list is named as List of Don’ts but contradictory to the title this letter to her daughter isn’t a restrictive one. This mother lists out all the things she shouldn’t do only to make herself stronger!

You might want to read this List of Don’ts which Toni Hammer wrote out to her daughter!

The letter goes on to list various things that her daughter shouldn’t do, but instead of being restrictive, the purpose of the letter is to empower her daughter. The list goes on as:

1. Don’t apologize when someone else bumps into you.

list of don'ts for daughter

2. Don’t say ‘sorry to be such a pain’. You’re not a pain. You’re a person with thoughts and feelings who deserves respect.

list of don'ts for daughter

3. Don’t makeup reasons as to why you can’t go out with the guy you don’t want to go out with. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. A simple ‘no thanks’ should be acceptable.



4. Don’t overthink what you want to eat in front of people. If you’re hungry, eat, and eat what you want. If you want a Pizza, don’t get a salad just because other people are around. Order the damn Pizza.

list of don'ts for daughter

5. Don’t keep your hair long to make someone else happy.

6. Don’t wear a dress if you don’t want to.


7. Don’t stay home because you don’t have anyone to go out with. Take yourself out. Have experiences by yourself and for yourself.

8. Don’t hold back tears. Crying means you’re feeling something that needs to get out. It’s being human.

9. Don’t smile because someone told you to.

list of don'ts for daughter

10. Don’t be afraid to laugh at your own jokes.

list of don'ts for daughter

11. Don’t say ‘yes’ to be polite. Say ‘no’ because it’s your life.

list of don'ts of daughter

12. Don’t hide your opinions. Speak up and speak loudly. You should be heard.


13. Don’t apologize for being who you are. Be brave and bold and beautiful. Be unapologetically you. 

list of don'ts for daughter

Some people were really quick and happy with her letter.

list of don'ts for daughter

list of don'ts for daughter

list of don'ts for daughter

list of don'ts for daughter

While someone had a slightly different opinion.

list of don'ts for daughter

list of don'ts for daughter

list of don'ts for daughter

list of don'ts for daughter



read also: Couple Responded With A Photo Shoot After Getting Tired Of People Asking When They Were Having Kids



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