8 Sarcastic Cartoon Characters We Absolutely Adore


2) Bugs Bunny 

Before Sarcasm became swag, there was Bugs Bunny. He was the superstar, the torch-bearer of
the Golden Age of Animation. The ever popular, carrot chewing, the happy-go-lucky rabbit was
actually inspired from Charlie Chaplin. His witty duels with Porky Pig and Daffy Duck are
legendary and outright hilarious. Buggs Bunny’s catchphrase was: “Eh… What’s up, doc?”

Pic:  Bugs Bunny


Sarcastic Cartoon Characters
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1) Foghorn Leghorn

The undisputed King of one-liners, Foghorn Leghorn had a penchant for mischief and pranks. He
was one of the reasons why parents joined their kids and watched Looney Toones together.
Foghorn had a famous rivalry with Barnyard dog . Foghorn’s sarcastic antics and catches phrases
are legendary even today.

Few of Foghorn witty one-liners:

“He’s about as sharp as a bowling ball.”
“Gal reminds me of the highway between Forth Worth and Dallas – no curves.”
“That boy’s as strong as an ox, and just about as smart.”
“That boy is just like a Tattoo, gets under your skin”

Pic: Foghorn Leghorn at his best.

Sarcastic Cartoon CharactersSarcastic Cartoon Characters




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