20 Times When The Smartass Things Left You Amazed!


More often than not, we tend to think we are smart than other people! Are we, really? It is a Universal truth, you know! To consider oneself greater than at least one other person. Anyway, how much ever smart we may be, we cannot beat certain Smartasses out there! They are like these awesome quick wits, who can give kick-ass comebacks.You might wonder what smartass things are these people doing?

Let me tell you, they will blow your mind! These Smartass things are funny as hell and will leave you “Laughing Out Loud” in a literal sense!

Let’s have a look at the smartass things. Fasten your seat belts… You are in for a joyful ride…

1. Worth a thought!

Smartass Things
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2. Chemistry all the more fun this way… No worries, I say!

Smartass Things
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3. The kid’s got a point!

Smartass Things
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4. Oh! Satin, What can I say…

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