12 Unsung Heroes of India Who Were Not Mentioned In Our History Books


9. Benoy, Badal, Dinesh

Another beloved trio of Bengal.

unsung heroes of india

After a series of attacks on British officers, they targeted Colonel NS Simpson on one fateful day. The young boys, Benoy, Badal and Dinesh, dressed up as British men and entered the Writers’ Building to successfully shoot Simpson to his death. However, they were caught, and to avoid their capture, Benoy and Dinesh shot themselves, while Badal consumed potassium cyanide.

10. Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi

He worked in collaboration with both the Swaraj Party as well as the Indian National Congress and faced repeated imprisonment while the Quit India Movement was in progress. Also, he was a member of the Central Legislative Assembly a few years before India gained freedom.

unsung heroes of india


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