14 Weird Things That Even Your Mom Cannot Prepare You For


You all will agree to the fact that our parents, especially our mom is one of the best teachers in the world. She trains you to face different challenges in life. However, you just cannot expect what life has for you in your platter. So of the endeavours are so weird that even your mom cannot prepare you for them.

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Here are 14 Weird Things That Even Your Mom Cannot Prepare You For.

1. Our mother earth casually opening up and swallowing cars for as a part of its supper.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



2. Boxes of a few delicious fast food items sometimes do not just fit in your refrigerator. As a result, now you ought to completely finish it. Well, this is one of the weird things even your mom cannot prepare you for.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



3. What would you do if your car gets wrapped around with this plastic. Maybe, this is some kind of a revenge.

 Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



4. When you cannot even count on your left foot.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



5. When you think you are cool because you defy laws of physics but then Newton comes back and then slashes you with the law of Gravity.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



6. When you unveil the kid in you and start playing in a playground but forget that with all those trips to McDonalds and Dominos has caused you to put on a lot of weight.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



7. When you tell your mom you want to become a pilot and show your mom some of your incredibly awesome skills.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



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8. When you thought you would save the world by joining the military but you are stuck somewhere saving the bathroom from getting clogged.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



9. When you stab an onion instead of delicately slicing it.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



10. When you spent your entire day making something awesome and circumstances destroy it in a monent.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



11. When you prove to the world that you are just not made for all the boring daily chores.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



12. When it is just not your day and even the juice pouch starts acting weird by denying service.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



13. When you could not explain to your boss why you were late because he/she just won’t believe your excuse.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



14. When you are a grandfather yourself but could decrypt the thinking of someone who literally just parked his car over your car.

Weird Things Mom Cannot Prepare



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