16 Weird Things People Do With Their Crushes! You’ve Done These Too!


To all the people out there with their crushes, you will relate to this. People do (me too) crazy weird things with them with absolutely no idea that they probably look a complete weirdo. From stalking them on Facebook like an FBI agent to finding out what was the name of their dead cat. In this article, I’ve enlisted some of the crazy things we do when we crush hard on someone!

Here are 16 weird things people do with their crushes!

1. You don’t know their social accounts officially. But you definitely “know” them.

weird things people do with their crushes

2. When you’re finally in the “texting phase”. You keep looking at your phone for at least zillion times in a day to check whether you have a text or not.

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3. You are in constant denial that you don’t have a crush on him. But as soon as he texts you. Butterflies. Tummy. You. HIM!

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4. You keep on replaying in your mind one sweet thing he said  ALL DAY LONG!

weird things people do with their crushesvia 


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