Society is Cruel! Most Unhealthy Things That Society Encourage Us To Do !


Do not always follow the society blindly because it is not always right. Society is so powerful that we accept anything forced by it without any resistance. Such submission is not good for us future as well as our present because it is encouraging us to do a lot of unhealthy things. As a result, we are developing unhealthy habits.

Here are some of the unhealthy things that society is encouraging us to do:

1. Life is a Race

Society Unhealthy Things


We are taught right from the childhood to run fast and compete otherwise we will fail in life. But no one taught us that rushing all the time is terrible for our mental health.

2. Hiding Your Emotions

Society Unhealthy Things


According to our society, our real and negative emotions like crying should not come out because it will reveal your weakness to the world. This is one of those unhealthy things which society forced us to do.

3. Sleepless Nights

Society Unhealthy Things


In today’s world people are waking up early in the morning and sleeping late because they are forced to work and compete in this cruel society and as a result, they are not getting proper sleep leading to a number of health problems. 


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