This Artist Recreates His Nightmares In Photos From His Sleep Paralysis And It’s Really Terrifying!


I’m not familiar with sleep paralysis, but from what I’ve heard, it’s not something you want to wake up to. The people who suffer from this, often share their horrific experiences and trust me it is really scary. But here is one man, who can relate to this very well. He is Nicolas Bruno, have a look at how he recreates his nightmares in visually disturbing yet amazing photos!

Nicolas Bruno recreates nightmares from his sleep paralysis


Here are some of the photos which Nicolas Bruno recreated horrific nightmares from his sleep paralysis!

Nicolas Bruno is a 27 year Argentine Volley Ball player, who lives in New York.  He suffers from a condition known as sleep paralysis which a halfway state between sleep and awake. But he seems to have shaped the terrific experiences into rather astonishing images!

Nicolas Bruno recreates nightmares from his sleep paralysisvia

What happens during this condition? 

It is an experience during which the person is left immobile (paralyzed) and is half awake and half asleep. The mobile body struggles to function and try to get a control on himself while the subconscious state of mind conjures up nightmares and hallucinations.

Nicolas Bruno recreates nightmares from his sleep paralysisvia


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