This Artist Recreates His Nightmares In Photos From His Sleep Paralysis And It’s Really Terrifying!


His first encounter with this condition was at the age of 15, finding himself in the midst of chilling hallucinations with was overwhelmed with extreme terror.

Nicolas Bruno recreates nightmares from his sleep paralysis


At first, the faceless silhouetted figures embraces him from the shadows, and that is just the beginning of the terror which follows afterward. All of this happens while the body is still struggling to figure out what’s real.

Nicolas Bruno recreates nightmares from his sleep paralysisvia

The most difficult phase of his life was his sixteenth year. He, obviously terrified of his nightmares scared to go to bed, fearing that he might never wake up again. This took a great toll on him as his condition was worsening with each passing day and eventually led to insomnia and depression.

Nicolas Bruno recreates his nightmares from sleep paralysisvia


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