16 Awkward Autocorrect Fails That Are Way Down Painfully Hilarious


16 Most Hilarious Autocorrect Fails

Autocorrect’s principal purpose is as part of the spell checker to correct common spelling or typing errors, saving time for the user. Well, sometimes auto-correct being a program, makes mistakes and replaces words with hilarious words making the conversations go awkward as hell. Well, I have been embarrassed like a thousand times. But I still use it. I wonder why. Most of the people really hate auto-correct, and they have a reason for it. Some people accidentally spill out their secrets and some people start hooking up because of this “dang! Auto-Correct”.

Here are 16 Most Hilarious Autocorrect fails that are awkward as hell:

1. Yes, awkward situation is when auto correct starts speaking censored words

Autocorrect Fails


2. UH-Oh, a secret revealed. Dang this is the one of scariest autocorrect fails!

autocorrect fails


3. Shit! Shit! Shit!

autocorrect fails



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