12 Amazing Things That Are Not Taught In School!


School teaches us many things, it forms the foundation of our education. But there are way too many amazing things that school does not teach us. What are these amazing things? You’ll be glad that you read this article!

Here are 12 amazing things that are not taught in school but you definitely need to know!

1. Keys, we all work with them, don’t we? But do you know how do they work! Each lock has a set number so it needs a unique key. You can see how the carved out edges of the key perfectly trigger the small pistons and thus unlocking it!

amazing things that are not taught in school


2. You see all those giant bird costumes right, here is what they actually look from the inside. 

amazing things that are not taught in schoolvia

3. Kids grow up listening to this,  “Wash your hands before you eat.”. But do they tell you what is the difference between clean and unclean hands? You can clearly see the microbes now. Better wash your hands!

amazing things that are not taught in schoolvia 


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