15 Really Annoying Things People Do In The Lecture Hall


10. The continuously coughing machine.

He is always sick, every single day. He would keep on coughing (some times out of habit). These annoying things are filled in the lecture hall.

Annoying things in the lecture hall


11. The one who is always eating.

They will first spread the smell of their food making you feel hungry like crazy and then make that annoying chewing sound.

Annoying things in the lecture hall


12. The one with the big head or massive hair.

OMG! Just let me have a short glance at the board. It is really annoying when the person sitting in front of you either has a huge head or massive hair which doesn’t let you see the board. You just sit there like I-don’t-know-what’s-happening.

Annoying things in the lecture hall



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