15 Really Annoying Things People Do In The Lecture Hall


13. The one who notes down every single thing that the teacher says.

And when they can’t catch up with the speed they will ask you what the teacher said, disturbing you every minute. Why do you have to do such annoying things?

Annoying things in the lecture hall


14. The seat snatcher.

Don’t you hate it when someone sits on your place where you’ve been sitting always? And oh, their patent dialogue, “Is your name written on it?”

Annoying things in the lecture hall


15. The teacher’s pet!

How could we ever forget him? Every single lecture hall has at least one teacher’s pet who is hated by the entire class. They make the teacher feel like everyone else is a farmer and he, the king.

Annoying things in the lecture hall


I’m sure you’ve come across with 12 out of these 15 annoying things in the lecture hall.

Next time, just put on your headphones and ignore this human world xD


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