Our Favorite Star Mia Khalifa Got Engaged Breaking Millions Of Hearts


Former adult movies star Mia Khalifa recently got engaged to her Swedish boyfriend Robert Sandburg after he proposed to her in a restaurant.

Mia Khalifa Is Engaged And All Set To Tie The Knot With Her Fiancee

Mia Khalifa engaged

Mia Khalifa, who’s a sports broadcaster these days was ecstatic when her boyfriend Robert Sandburg popped the question.

He Hid The Ring In A Bowl Of Ingredients To Surprise Her

Mia Khalifa engaged

Robert who is a chef from Sweden shared everything that happened on the big night on his Instagram –

“The ring was hidden in a bowl of dried ingredients and came out as a ‘new serving.. ” – he wrote.

Mia Khalifa engaged

Mia Almost Ate The Ring!

Mia Khalifa engaged

Robert further shared-

“… Mia was too curious and too eager to taste so she started to eat the inedible ingredients.

“I told her not do it and then I put the ring on the finger. I love you so much….

Thank god he decided to just take the ring out and pop the question then and there.

Mia Khalifa engaged

Mia Herself Shared Her Side Of The Story On An Instagram Post

Mia Khalifa engaged

“I have been getting flooded with questions about it, so I thought I’d share with y’all the story… Where the ring comes from doesn’t matter as long as you get to spend the rest of your life with the person you love, but this time, it means more….”

Mia Khalifa engaged

She Didn’t See The Proposal Coming At All!

Mia Khalifa engaged

It was because Robert had previously told her that he hates restaurant proposals. She wrote –

“Robert has planted the seed so deep in my mind for so long that he hates restaurant proposals so I never, EVER, saw this coming. I love y’all so much! Thank you!”

Mia Khalifa engaged

No Dates Have Been Set For Their Wedding As Of Yet But We All Wish The Now Engaged Mia Khalifa And Her Soon To Be Husband Robert The Very Best

Mia Khalifa engaged

Image credits : Instagram Robert Sandberg, Mia K.


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