Unable To Enjoy A Sound Sleep? Fix All Your Sleeping Problems Through These Scientific Methods.


Sleeping Disorder is something that is very common today. We are all tossing and turning in our beds most of the
time. As a result, we end up picking our mobile phones or laptops which obviously would never let us sleep. Here are some of the scientific methods that are going to help you fix your sleeping problems.

1. Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is something that won’t let you stand for a long time or hang your backpack. If not treated, the situation can turn worse than it usually is.

Try sleeping on the other side i.e., the side you are not having pain in. Although it is always advisable to sleep on your back with a thin pillow ( Orthopedic pillow ) under your head. For additional comfort, place a pillow on your stomach and hug it.

If you still want to sleep sideways, pull your legs towards your chest and place a pillow in between your knees. Make sure that you don’t place your hand under your head. This acts as one of the preferable scientific methods to fix all your sleeping problems related to shoulder pain.

How to fix all your sleeping problems through these scientific methods.

2. Back pain 

Back pain for sure freaks everyone out there. You cannot sit comfortably and sleeping problems faced due to back pain are something we just cannot bear. In that case try preferring a hard mattress over a soft one, for your spine needs to maintain its curve. Try sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees. For additional support, try adding a rolled towel under your lower back.

If you sleep on your stomach, try placing a pillow under your pelvis and lower abdomen. You can add or skip a pillow under your head for additional support.

If you still prefer sleeping on your side, then try pulling your legs towards chest keeping your back in a normal condition. Fix a pillow between your legs. According to these scientific methods, you may even prefer full-length body pillow for such kind of sleeping problems.

How to fix all your sleeping problems through these scientific methods.

3. Neck pain

By following some scientific methods you can very easily fix all your sleeping problems related to neck pain. All you need to do is to follow the right technique.

People with neck problems should make sure that they choose their pillow accordingly. Orthopedic or roll pillows could do wonders in this case. Try sleeping with pillows under both of your arms if you’re sleeping on your back with a pillow under your head. This wouldn’t let you neck tilt easily to an uncomfortable position. This will help you fix cervical spine in a proper alignment.

Make sure that your pillow doesn’t exceed 6 inches in width if you sleep on your side. Basically, the scientific method behind this is that your pillow should be in level with your shoulder so that your neck doesn’t drift upwards.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach because it can strain your neck completely, increasing your sleeping problems. Just in case you still want to opt for this position, choose the thinnest pillow you have.

How to fix all your sleeping problems through these scientific methods.  


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