14 Game Of Thrones Fan Theories That Can Still Happen In Season 7


13.Nymeria is back

Nymeria had to take up a life of vagrancy back in season 1 after Sansa’s direwolf Lady attacked Joffrey, but she might finally have her moment in season 7. As seen by some fans, Maisie Williams was there, as was the wolf that plays Ghost, plus one other wolf that has very similar coloring to the dog Arya hugged goodbye all those years ago.

Game Of Thrones Fan Theories


14.We can see Ice Dragons

According to the books, the ice dragons are the ones who breathe ice instead of fire. According to the director of the show, the dragons would be the size of 747s this year. But a fan suspected that he wasn’t talking about Dragons we’ve seen till now. Maybe he was talking about ice dragons, presumably employed by the Night King. You never know!

Game Of Thrones Fan Theories



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