14 Game Of Thrones Fan Theories That Can Still Happen In Season 7


10.Bran is actually Bran The Builder

Bran The Builder was the man who created Winterfell and raised The Wall over 8000 years before the events covered in Game of Thrones.Now there’s a fan theory that the former Bran and Bran are the same because of his ability to influence the past. We know Bran can see into the past and future, and he can influence events and ‘warg’ into people. Also, Bran’s favorite stories are the ones about ‘Bran The Builder.’

Game Of Thrones Fan Theories


11.Daenerys and Jon Snow are going to have some moments or marry while the world burns

Oh, we know they’re aunt and nephew, but closer blood relations than that have never stopped anyone in Westeros before! Surely this Game Of Thrones fan theories is crazy!

Game Of Thrones Fan Theories


12.Arya Stark will kill Little Finger

In some of the pictures, we saw Arya had a weapon in her hilt that wasn’t her trusty sword Needle. It was Littlefinger’s catspaw dagger! Littlefinger had it in season 6, so if Arya has it now, does that mean she killed him and took it? Well, can also be just fan theories.

Game Of Thrones Fan Theories



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