Every Girl Craves For These 12 Types Of Hugs From Her Boyfriend!


4. Everything’s fine or will be fine.

When you had a bad day, all you want is a “Everything’s fine love” hug. So no matter how bad her day has been, if you take her in your warm embrace she’ll forget everything and feel all good.

types of hugs every girl wants from her boyfriend


5. Can’t show too much affection right now but you’re still mine.

So this is what she wants when you’re surrounded with a lot of people. This is a casual but cute hug which’ll just give her the comfort she needs. It’s a sense of belonging to someone that every girl craves for.

types of hugs every girl wants from her boyfriendvia

6. Kiss and twirl in the air.

Haha! This is practically the tiny fantasy every girl has (myself included!) no matter how shy she is in public. It is actually the “oh my god” moment where you feel as if you’re the lead in some cheesy romantic movie, and this is just another thing at shoot. But trust me, your girl definitely wants this!

types of hugs every girl wants from her boyfriendvia 


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